Registration for Fall Children's and Young Adult Programs Open NOW!

We may not be back to our regularly scheduled, in-person programming yet, but we are still excited to offer a selection of programming options for the children, young adults, and families in our community this fall! As we did this summer, we will be conducting all of our programming online (we do not anticipate being able to host any in-house children's or young adult programming through the end of 2020, regardless of whether or not we are able to fully re-open to the public in that time).

Once registered, you will receive an e-mail each week with a link directing you to your child's program, either a prerecorded video (Read 2 Me, Storyhour, and Elementary Book Bunch: Read Along) or virtual meeting room (Elementary Book Bunch: Read & Chat and Young Adult Chat). Some programs may also require pickup of materials to complete crafts and activities; if you have registered for one of these programs, you will receive an e-mail asking you to make an appointment or attend a pickup day (depending on the number of participants) to collect these materials prior to the start of programs. 

For more information, click here to visit our Children’s Programs page or click here to visit our Young Adult Programs page! Or, if you’re ready to register now, you can do so by clicking right here! Any questions? Give us a call (at 724-588-5490) or send us an e-mail (to!

Programs begin the week of Tuesday, September 22!