March Announcements
Spring is on the way, but not quite here yet. While you're waiting, you can still cozy up with a book. We also have many programs coming up to keep you busy!
Some other things to keep in mind this month:
Daylight Savings Time begins March 9, so "Spring Forward" one hour with your clocks
The Board of Directors will meet at 6pm on Tuesday, March 18
We are starting a new adventure on Thursday, April 3 at 5:30pm and want to give you advance notice. Have you wondered what Dungeons & Dragons is all about? Are you interested in trying it out? Or are you looking for a group to join? We'll be starting a D&D group for adults (18+). If you're interested, please fill out this brief D&D Interest form to help our DM plan.
The library is taking applications for two part-time positions in the children's department. You can find the brief and full job descriptions on our Employment page. If you know of anyone who is great with kids and interested in working with programming for either Birth to Kindergarten or First to Sixth Grade age ranges, please encourage them to apply.
I hope to see you soon!
Jeanne Ball, Director