Sweet Nothings

A taxonomy of sweetness, a rhapsody of artificial flavors, and a multi-faceted theory of pleasure, Sweet Nothings is made up of one hundred illustrated micro-essays organized by candy color, from the red of Pop Rocks to the purple Jelly Bonbon in the Whitman’s Sampler. Each entry is a meditation on taste and texture, a memory unlocked. Everyone’s favorites—and least favorites—are carefully considered, including Snickers and Trader Joe’s peanut butter cups, as well as the beloved Good & Plenty and Werther’s Originals.

An expert guide and exquisite writer, Sarah Perry asks such pressing questions as: Twizzlers or Red Vines? Why are Mentos eaters so maniacally happy? And in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, how could Edmund sell out his siblings for, of all things, Turkish delight? She rejects the dreaded "What is your favorite candy?" question and counters: "Under what circumstances?" The question itself is flawed—favorite under what circumstances? In what weather? On the road, or at home? In what mood?—because candy is tied to the seasons of our lives.

Sweet Nothings touches on pop culture, art, culinary history, philosophy, body image, and class-based food moralism. It challenges the idea of "junk food" and posits taking pleasure seriously as a means of survival.

Mandy Graul